Issue # 46 - How To Market & Sell (Without Being Salesy)

Aug 20, 2023


One of the biggest hangups I see creative entrepreneurs fall into when it comes to selling their products & services is marketing & selling in a way that turns off potential customers.

When it comes to marketing & selling most entrepreneurs simply go to market and say “Hey! I have this thing for sale! Look how cool it is! If you buy It you’ll get x,y,z, you can get it here!” Then they repeat a version of this over and over again… and then wonder why people are not buying or yet worse, why people are tuning out. 

In this email, I am going to share some simple strategies and mindset shifts that will allow you to market in a way where people thank you for marketing to them. 

 Let's dive in!

#1 - Don’t Try To Manufacture Demand

If you take anything away from this email, let it be this. 

The long & hard way to sell your products & services is to try to get people to want them by talking about how awesome they are. 

To create demand from scratch you have to convince and persuade someone to be interested in the thing you are selling. 

This takes a lot of energy…

 It also ignores the fact that - “People love to buy, but hate being sold to” 

The easy way to go about this is to recognize that demand already exists. 

Right now, at this moment, your dream clients have problems they want solutions to. 

They have pains they want relief from and things they want to experience. 

These motivators are the demand that’s already there. 

Rather than persuading and convincing someone how awesome your product/service is… 

Simply tap into the demand that is there and channel it towards the thing you are selling.  

To do this, you must use a customer-first approach where rather than talking about how awesome what you are selling is, you focus on showing your prospects how your product/service will help them solve their problems or improve their lives. 

This approach helps potential customers see the practical benefits and relevance of what you're offering.

Here are two marketing examples showing the difference.

Example of creating demand for a relationship coach: 

“Hey guys, this month I am taking on one new relationship coaching client. Here’s what you get when you sign up to coach with me… (list out a bunch of features and benefits).. If this interests you, reach out to me via dms” 

Example of channeling demand for a relationship coach: 

“Not being able to attract the romantic partner you’d like to date can leave you feeling hopeless and inspire feelings of not being enough or worthy… But settling for someone who is not the person you are looking for, is not the answer. The truth is the person you are looking for is out there waiting for you. But to find them you must first do the inner work that will lead you to show up as the person THEY are looking for. If you want to learn how to do this I have one more spot for 1-on-1 relationship coaching this month. If this interest you, reach out to me via dm’s”

See the difference? 

Learn how to do this and you’ll always have customers lining up to buy what you are selling. 


#2 - Use A Relationship First Approach

Before you make an ask of your audience, make sure that you’ve built a strong connection with them. 

We do business with people we know, like and trust.

Before people buy from you, they must know that you:

1. Care about more than just making a sale. 

2. Have the skills, knowledge, and experience to help them. 

This means that before you make an ask of your audience, you must make an effort to form a genuine relationship with them.


Because the more people are bought into you, the more they will buy from you. 

The easiest way to do this is by talking to them, listening to their needs, helping them with valuable, actionable, and educational content, bringing them into your world, and showing that you can help them.

If you want to dive deeper into the mechanics of how to do this, I recently launched a program that will show you exactly how to build this relationship and trust. 

You can check it out here.

It's some of my best work.


#3 - Sell What People Want To buy

Business is not about you. 

It’s about your customers. 

So don’t fall into the trap of creating & selling something that only YOU are passionate about. 

Before you start creating a product or service you should have certainty that there is a genuine demand for what you are creating. 

There is a story I love that illustrates this point.

A business professor asked a marketing class - “What's the best way to sell hotdogs” 

The students gave answers such as - “Having the best ingredients, proper temperature, excellent cleanliness, friendly service, creative signs, etc.”

Once the students ran out of ideas, the professor said - “Those are all great ideas but the only thing you need, the most important thing, is a starving crowd.”

A simple story with a profound lesson. 

Before you take something to market, make sure you have a starving crowd.

That crowd will be the difference between you clawing & scratching your way to a sale or people coming to you because they want what you are selling.


I’ll leave you with one of my favorite quotes + a sweet bonus. 

“When marketing is done right, selling becomes unnecessary”

Here’s the bonus… 

A while back, I put together one of the most powerful and practical pieces of training on how to market & sell without being salesy.

I shared this training with my private clients inside my mastermind - Creator Business Academy - and it’s one of their favorites. 

People have made a stupid amount of money using the tips & strategies I share inside that training. 

As a token of appreciation for your love & support, I want to share it here with you. 

Click here to access the training on - How To Sell Without Being Salesy.

That’s it for this one my friend.


Abraham Casallas


Want to dive deeper?

There are 3 ways in which can help you:  

Want to learn how to monetize your ideas, skills, and passion? Get started here.

Want to join a mastermind of digital entrepreneurs growing coaching & creator businesses? Click here.

Want me and my team to help you scale fast? Apply for one-on-one coaching here.



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Written by Abraham Casallas

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