Issue # 44 - The Growth You Are Looking For Comes From This...

Aug 06, 2023

Read Time: 3 Minuites

There are two types of growth…

Visible and invisible growth. 

Visible growth is sexy.

It’s what we value and what we are all after. 

Visible growth can be tracked, measured, and seen.

Here are some examples of visible growth: getting new clients, making money, and crushing your goals.

What about invisible growth?

Invisible growth is all the things that need to take place before visible growth happens.

Some examples of invisible growth are skill & mindset development, setting up the infrastructure for your business, building an audience, and getting that audience to know you like you, and trust you.

Here's a good visual - think of a plant. 

Before you see it grow through the soil - (visible growth) - it needs to develop & set it's roots - (invisible growth.)

A lot of you are experiencing invisible growth right now, but because it's not visible or sexy for that matter, you assume nothing is happening and you get frustrated.

But a lot is happening..!

You are laying down your roots and building the foundation that’s going to lead to the visible growth you crave so badly.

The lesson here is that before visible growth can take place, invisible growth needs to happen.

Which makes invisible growth more important than visible growth.

When it comes to growth, it's important to:

1. Recognize which part of your growth journey you are currently in.

2. Adjust your expectations accordingly.

3. Give that part of your growth journey the time, love & energy it deserves.

You have to learn how to walk before you can run...

Be patient my friend. 

That's it for this one. 


Abraham Casallas


Want to dive deeper?  

There are 3 ways in which can help you:  

 Want to learn how to monetize your ideas, skills, and passion? Get started here. 

 Want to join a mastermind of digital entrepreneurs growing coaching & creator businesses? Click here.

Want me and my team to help you scale fast? Apply for one-on-one coaching here. 



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Written by Abraham Casallas

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