Issue #37 - How To Get People To Care About Your Work…

Jun 18, 2023


As a creative entrepreneur, it’s important for people to care about your work. 

When people care they will consume your content, read your emails, buy your products, and tell others about you.

If they don't, building a business around your creative passions is going to be a struggle. 

But I want you to know that getting people to care is not a matter of employing a fancy marketing strategy.

It’s about reaching for and touching people's hearts.

So how do go about doing that? 

Glad you asked!

The easiest way to get people to care is by putting your work into context using your brand story. 

Which by the way, a brand story is just a fancy term for YOUR story.

The BIG question your brand story should answer for people is “Why do you do what you do? 

Your brand story should clearly communicate how you got here, why you do what you do, and why you are fit to do what you are doing.

To get the building blocks for your brand story, take some time time to answer the following questions:  

- Where did you come from?

- How did you get here?

- What trials and tribulations did you go through to get here?

- What did you learn on your journey?

- How did your journey make you fit to do what you are currently doing?

Once you have these answers, it’s time to weave them into a narrative. 

Your narrative. 

And once you have that narrative, it’s time to share it with the world, over and over and over again.

I think it’s important to know that your brand story is not something you always share all at once. 

You can share bits and pieces here and there.

Think of it, like when you are getting to know someone over time. 

You hang out, they tell you a story. 

Over a beer on a different occasion, they tell you another story.

Over time, you get to understand who that person is. 

Sharing your brand story is no different.

The more poeple get to know you, they more they will care.

Don't fall into the trap of sharing your message without helping people understand who the messenger is.

That’s it for this one.

I hope you enjoyed it. 

- Abraham Casallas



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Written by Abraham Casallas

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